
In this audio piece I am interviewing Laura and trying to connect a series of questions to make a story out of why she made her choice at Wagner. The process was somewhat long and drawn out due to not knowing what to exactly ask at first then settling to write some questions down before hand to help the question and answers run smoothly.

During the editing process i needed to pinpoint what pieces of audio would be sufficient to make the interview sound smooth throughout. i started with the empty spaces (silent areas) to break down the audio to a shorter length. Next it was onto the cutting of the voices asking the actual questions, that was not too difficult. It was rather tedious due to where to cut the file, or when the last word ends to make it somewhat sound clear.

After the silent spaces of the audio file are cut and the pieces where the questions are asked, we are left with nothing but the person being interviewed and their voice. The room-tone and environmental sound are places in the background of the audio as well.

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