audio profile and reflection

My interview with Symphonie was about ten minutes long so I found it difficult to edit this piece to only three minutes. My main focus of the interview was to discuss the club she is involved with here at Wagner. Since this was the center of the interview, I made the decision to edit most of the other topics out. I chose to start my piece with the “natural sound” of her stepping because this is what Symphonie does in her club. By beginning with this audio piece, I thought it would set the theme for the rest of the interview.
I chose to edit my questions out of the entire piece. I found it unnecessary to have my questions on the piece because Symphonie repeated my questions in her answer. When there was silence, I either cut it out or I edited the room tone into the interview so it would sound natural. There were a few times where I left the silence because it gives more realness to the piece (such as you can tell the interviewee is thinking,ect.) I also kept the most important moments when you could tell she was passionate about what the was discussing in the interview. I edited out pieces where you could hear movement around the microphone to make the piece more clear. Some recording decisions that affected my editing is that during the “natural sound” I had to cut the beginning out because I had recorded too soon. Also I had recorded the natural sound without headphones so I did not realize the microphone movement.
For a future interview, I will know that instead of asking too many questions, I should let the interviewee speak more so that it flows better as one audio piece. I also should not be too responsive to everything the interviewee says, that way it makes it easier so that I will not have to edit out my voice. I also know to wear headphones at all times because it picks up more audio.

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