Audio Profile



I think the biggest struggle when putting my audio piece together was trying to figure out the order of topics that I wanted to use.  At first I listened to the interview and divided it up into the different themes that were present within the conversation.  As I wrote down times, I quickly found that this was not going to be very useful.  This is because once I had organized and divided to audio on my paper, I then had to go back and delete the footage of my voice.  This completely changed the times of the occurrences, which meant that I needed to go back and find everything again.  Organization was definitely a major challenge in this project.

I also found it difficult to make the big decisions on what to include and what not to include.  In a way, it felt strange to just cut out parts of the interview that seemed important but were no longer useful in the final piece.  However, as I deleted more and more extra material, it became easier to organize it and space it out.  Also, transitioning from one theme to the next was tricky.  I tried to include gaps in the interview where the theme would change and fill them with environmental sound that would lead to the next part.

While listening to the interview I realized that as the interviewer I did not do such a good job.  There were times in the interview where I asked a question and I could not include it because the listener would not have been able to follow what my subject was talking about.  By having simple “yes” or “no” responses, interesting information that could have been included was instead deleted.  Next time, I will try to include more double-barrelled questions.  I could also ask the person I am interviewing to repeat my question in their answer so that I can include everything that I believe to be necessary.

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