Henry Kissinger

By in Leadership, Political Leaders

“I could never forget what an inspiration it had been to the victims of persecution, to my family, and to me during cruel and degrading years. I always remembered the thrill when I first walked the streets of New York City. Seeing a group of boys, I began to cross the other side to avoid being beaten up. And then I remembered where I was.” -Henry Kissinger.       Henry Kissinger, who fled  Nazi Germany at age 15,  proved the American dream  true.  He started with nothing  and gained everything  throughout a life that impacted  others around the world.  Henry Kissinger has achieved  many roles throughout his life.  Three of his main accomplishments are serving as a National Security Adviser for President Richard Nixon (1968), acting as Secretary of State in the administrations of Presidents Nixon and Gerald Ford and winning the Nobel Peace Prize (1973). Background Henry...