The Music of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach


The Music of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach From the University of Rochester Press

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714–88) was the second son of Johann Sebastian Bach and one of the leading figures of eighteenth-century European music in his own right. Composer, keyboard player, and author, during a career spanning more than half a century he wrote close to a thousand works. Widely recognized for his originality and the intense expressivity of his music, he was among the the first important composers not only of the keyboard sonata and concerto but of songs (lieder) for voice and keyboard. Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven were among those who acknowledged his influence, and in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries his music was regarded as a link between that of the Baroque and the Classical eras, foreshadowing that of the Romantics. My book, published by the University of Rochester Press in 2014, is the first to survey his complete oeuvre, including many recently rediscovered vocal compositions. Published in the year of the composer’s three hundredth birthday, the printed book is supplemented here by online material (tables and in-depth discussions of specialized matters) as well as additional music examples. Also accessible here are updates and corrections plus audio files that allow readers to hear all musical examples, both those in the printed book and those shown online only.

For the online supplement, click here (an older version, consisting of separate files for the individual supplement entries referenced in the printed book, is here). For the additional music examples, click here. Updates and corrections to the printed text are here. Also on my website is the following additional material relating to the composer:
concordances, indexes, and a chronology of his works (scroll down on the page).