Malcolm X By: Justin Osuji

By in Human Rights



“There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance next time.”

This quote shows how Malcolm X was innovator of change. He believed that every defeat and failure made him and everyone around him a strong better person.  He preached that you learn the most from the failures and from failure comes success.


Malcolm x was not only one of the most powerful civil rights activist, but also one of the most inivative. He used his islamic beliefs to transform the way african american citizens were misrepresented in society. He is important today because he helped blacks as a people makes strides to being a more respected group.Malcolm X fought to raise the self-esteem of black Americans and reconnect them with their African heritage.  This is why I admire Malcolm x, one of the most powerful civil rights leaders during the civil rights movement.   Born on May 19, 1925, he was raised in Omaha, Nebraska by his father Earl Little and his mother Louise Norton Little.  In Malcolm X’s youth he found himself in severe trouble. By the age of 20 he was arrested for burglary and served seven years in prison. During his time in jail, Malcolm X built himself up through the Islamic religion and sought a more godly lifestyle. Once released from incarceration he was a new man and wanted to make change in society.  He believed in going to extremes to do so.  Through his Islamic beliefs Malcolm had an image of how to restructure society and ultimately help the Black community divert from being frowned upon. Although he was not a collective leader, he was very powerful in his methods of critical reflection and determination, which caused a lot of his followers to have a deep respect for him.  



Although Malcolm X was a great leader and an advocate for the civil rights movement all over the country many people found his extremist ideals and evasive attitude extremely resentful. Malcolm x was by all means a radical and believed that the non violence movement led by Dr. Martin Luther King made African Americans around the country look “weak.” He was a very close minded individual who in early years of leading his movements made it clear that it was his way or the highway. His expressed himself as vividly as possible and didn’t beat around the bush which sadly mad a lot of people to oppose and turn their backs on his methods. Some may argue that he was even as far as rude, but in reality he was just a firm believer in telling people exactly how he felt.  


Leadership lessons 

Malcolm X was a very hard nosed leader. He was an important figure in the Muslim community and tied a lot of his Muslim beliefs into his protests. Through Islam Malcom X discovered that a pure heart and mind are essential to ultimately obtaining true freedom. Although in his early years Malcolm X was a collective leader he was extremely empathetic towards those he worked with. He was a fearless man that had no tolerance for quitting. He thought very highly of his methods and in early years wasn’t very open to listen to others advice. He made it clear that he was going to do everything he wanted his way and as history shows rarely changed his mind for anyone.  

About the Author 

Wagner freshman student athlete on a scholarship to play football. Love to socialize with people and get know about what they enjoy doing. Truly admire Malcolm X for bold charisma and extreme want to make a change. My favorite civil rights leader because unlike many other Malcolm X refused to take the passive way out.  He viewed that as weak and was not going to allow people to disrespect blacks as a race.  I find myself and Malcolm X very similar and truly respect his work. 






Dulaney, W. Marvin. 2013. “Documenting the life and legacy of Malcolm X.” The Journal Of African American Historyno. 4: 13-27 Academic OneFile, EBSCOhost (accessed November 3, 2014). 

Gregory, Kia, and Damien Cave. “Troubled Life in Malcolm X’s Shadow Comes to a Violent End.” New York Times 11 May 2013: A15(L). New York State Newspapers. Web. 6 Nov. 2014

 Street, Joe, et al. “Roundtable: Manning Marable, Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention.” Journal Of American Studies 47, no. 1 (February 2013): 23-47.MLA International Bibliography, EBSCOhost (accessed November 6, 2014).

Manning Marable. Souls, Rediscovering Malcolm’s Life A Historian’s Adventures in Living History  7 (1): 20–35, 2005 / Copyright © 2005 
1099-9949/02 / pg 1-15  DOI:10.1080/10999940590910023.