We have a great plugin for photo slideshows called “TN3 Gallery.” Here’s what it looks like on a page:
When you log into the backend of your site, you should see “TN3 Gallery” in the left column. Before you can add a slideshow onto a page, you need to create a new album. An “image” is a single photo, an “album” is a collection of images, and a “gallery” is a collection of albums. This process can seem confusing at first, but you’ll get the hang of it! Let’s take it step by step:
1. Create a new album by selecting “albums” under TN3 Gallery, then follow the steps in the screenshot below. The icon serves as the cover image for that album:
2. Click “images” under TN3 Gallery and upload the images you want to appear in your new album:
3. Optional — hover over each image and select “edit” to add a title and caption. This will later appear on the slideshow. You can also embed video code in the “content” area if you want a video instead of a photo for that slide:
4. Check the box next to each image you want to add to your gallery, change “bulk actions” to “add to album” and apply. Select your new album and click save.
5. Now that you have created a new album and uploaded new images to that album, edit the page or post where you want that album to appear. Under “options,” be sure to select “responsive.” You can also choose which skin to use for the player. When you click “insert TN3,” a [shortcode] will appear on your page. That’s your slideshow!
When you publish or update your post, the [shortcode] will turn into the slideshow. You can also paste this [shortcode] into a text widget.
So, it’s a bit tricky to get used to, but pretty nice when it’s set up (demo here). You can also pull albums from Facebook, Flickr, and Picasa (go to TN3 Gallery > Settings > Plugins). Let me know if you have any questions!