Food Cues at a Halloween Festival

A few days before Halloween, I was able to experience the Halloween Festival sponsored by The Polish And Slavic Center located in Greenpoint. This festival took place on Manhattan Ave and was many streets in length. ThScreen Shot 2015-11-04 at 11.45.03 AMe Halloween festival had many stands that sold a variety of stuff, including food, beverages, toys, clothes, bedding, and a multitude of little knick-nacks. There were also plenty of games and performers that allowed the children of the community to participate.

The food stands in the Halloween festival sold different cultural foods. Some of the cultures represented were Spanish, Polish, Jamaican and Italian. Yet, the festival included a lot of deep-fried American favorites such as funnel cakes, fried Oreos, fried pickles and churros. There was an enormous presence of food in this Halloween Festival. Spices and sugary treats were also available for purchase.

There were plenty of food cues in this Halloween Festival. Screen Shot 2015-11-04 at 11.56.38 AMAll of the different stands created their own aroma. All of these various smells drifted into the center of the avenue where the crowds of people were located. These smells influenced the people to become interested and attracted tot he different foods that were being sold. The various stands with vibrant colorful signs caught the attention of the community. There was one food cue that influenced me to buy a cold, refreshing lemonade. I enjoyed the Halloween Festival in Greenpoint and I am interested to see what other events the Polish and Slavic Center coordinates.

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Lunch in Greenpoint



On Saturday, Angelika, Anna and I went to visit our neighborhood, Greenpoint, Brooklyn. We decided to eat lunch there to get a feel of one of the sides Greenpoint has to offer, the  “hipster” side. Even though Greenpoint is a huge Polish neighborhood, a younger crowd has began to move in and make the area more “hip”.


Greenpoint Avenue

For lunch we went at a quaint restaurant called Enid’s. Everything was small. From the menu to the place itself, the restaurant was tinier than a regular spot to eat. Even so the atmosphere was nice. It may have been slightly crowded, but the grungy feel to the place created a comfortable vibe.

I ordered Huevos Rancheros for my meal. I was surprised to see it on the menu at first, but after I realized the style of the venue I understood the various selections they had. The menu ranged from burgers to pancakes. It was quite an array for such a small place, but it made sense because it fit the “hipster” feel the place was going for. Overall, the food was really good and I can’t wait to experience the Polish side when my team and I go again this Friday.

Greenpoint Farmers Market

Today I visited Greenpoint, Brooklyn for my group neighborhood project with Anna and Cheryl. We took the ferry into Manhattan and the subway into Brooklyn. We dIMG_8290ecided to take a walk through McCarren Park. During our walk, we discovered a farmers market.This is the first time I have ever been to a farmers market.

The Greenpoint Farmers Market was filled with lots of fruits and vegetables. Milk and yogurt were packaged in bottles. Meat from grass fed animals such as beef, pork, chicken and rabbit were also available. Honey, jams and baked goods were plentiful. The different colors of foods and the aroma in the air was overwhelming. Farmers came from different places in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The market was packed with couples, families and dogs gathering groceries.

IMG_8292Not many people know but, food stamps were accepted! Every $5 spent in EBT spent, customers would receive a $2 coupon to purchase more fresh fruits and vegetables.

After visiting the farmers market, we walked into the park. There were many people having fun, playing sports and getting some exercise. Games of softball and soccer encouraged the community to get active. Overall, the Greenpoint Farmers Market encourages the community to outside  and enjoy the crisp fall days of October. 