Adventuring to Port Richmond High School

Yesterday, LC 13 ventured outside the classroom to Port Richmond High School. We all received a walking tour of the culinary arts program. I couldn’t believe that the high school students are able to prepare meals together. The director of the program explained that the students learn about the meal they will be preparing on Monday. They start preparing and cooking the meal on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. On Friday, each group is able to taste the meal they have been working so hard to make. This sounded so interesting I wish my high school had this kind of program.

After a tour of the various kitchens, we we taken to a little garden that is located outside at the end of the hall. I found it extraordinary that this program really takes a hand-on approach to teach students good eating habits. Port Richmond High School is investing in this program so students could take what they learned in class and apply it to everyday life.The teachers focus on teaching recipes that are easy to make, yet good for you.FullSizeRender

When the bell rang for the next classes, Genesis and I decided to mentor together. I was  finally going able to meet my mentee. Rebecca is a sophomore at Port Richmond High School and she hopes to go to culinary school after graduating. I realized how this program has influenced her decision to pursue a culiarycareer. Over the next few weeks, I hope to build a friendly relationship with Rebecca and learn more about her. This experience will be very rewarding.