Lunch in Greenpoint



On Saturday, Angelika, Anna and I went to visit our neighborhood, Greenpoint, Brooklyn. We decided to eat lunch there to get a feel of one of the sides Greenpoint has to offer, the  “hipster” side. Even though Greenpoint is a huge Polish neighborhood, a younger crowd has began to move in and make the area more “hip”.


Greenpoint Avenue

For lunch we went at a quaint restaurant called Enid’s. Everything was small. From the menu to the place itself, the restaurant was tinier than a regular spot to eat. Even so the atmosphere was nice. It may have been slightly crowded, but the grungy feel to the place created a comfortable vibe.

I ordered Huevos Rancheros for my meal. I was surprised to see it on the menu at first, but after I realized the style of the venue I understood the various selections they had. The menu ranged from burgers to pancakes. It was quite an array for such a small place, but it made sense because it fit the “hipster” feel the place was going for. Overall, the food was really good and I can’t wait to experience the Polish side when my team and I go again this Friday.