Congratulations, Epsilon Mu!

Dear Epsilon Mu Members,

Congratulations! We are receiving the 2011 Chapter Key Award! The chapter will be receiving the key as a 2nd Time Recipient. How timely for our thirtieth anniversary! (An official congratulatory letter) from Karen Morin, President STTI, and Cathy Catrambone, Regional Chapters Coordinating Committee Chair is attached.) CLICK HERE to listen to the Congratulatory Audio Podcast.

STTI announced that on the ten year anniversary of the presentation of the Chapter Key Award, Sigma Theta Tau International is awarding 82 Chapter Keys, the most since its creation in 1991. As the chapter’s representative, I will be accepting the award on stage at the Biennial Convention in Grapevine, Texas. Judges have provided feedback; these comments will be available for view shortly on the website.

Please join us in the Founder’s Day Celebration and Induction Ceremony on Saturday, October 1, 2011, Hilton Garden Inn from 12 noon until 4pm. The cost is $40 per person, make check out to Epsilon Mu. Our keynote speaker will be Paula Davies Scimeca, her topic will be on substance abuse and licensing issues and our Regional Coordinator Connie Sobon Sensor will also be addressing the participants. Music will also provided for the cocktail hour. In addition, we will be displaying the posters the Girl Scouts completed for their Be A Nurse Patch. The afternoon promises to be a great celebration.
Fundraisers are our 50/50 and basket raffles. Donations will be greatly appreciated.
Epsilon Mu is sponsoring the Depression Screening Day, October 7 at Wagner College for the students. Volunteers are welcomed, email if interested. Plans are underway for the Brown Bag Series this semester as well, details to follow.
Announcements: November 15 is the Collaborative Research Workshop at Staten Island University Hospital. Topics include: Academic process in developing a research proposal and IRB Application Process, using EndNotes for publication, preparing posters for scientific purposes. Free to all Epsilon Mu members and SIUH employees, details will be posted on the website and circle.
Best Wishes for safe end to the summer!
Teresa Torsney, MS, RN-BC